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第四屆「香港海運週」旨在團結香港海運業界並展示其實力,令社會更了解香港海運及港口業所作的重大經濟貢獻,以及推廣香港作為經營海運業務的首選地和舉世聞名的國際海運中心。屆時除國際及本地業界舉辦的精采節目外,本館亦將舉辦連串公眾及學校活動,包括親子同樂日及船舶參觀等。今年本館更安排了海運週活動的吉祥物 —— 柴犬船長與大家一同參觀,萬勿錯過!

The fourth Hong Kong Maritime Week aims to “Propel Hong Kong” as a renowned international maritime centre. Through an intensive week of multifarious maritime activities, we hope to unite and showcase the Hong Kong maritime industry as a strong cluster, raise the community’s awareness of the significant economic contributions of Hong Kong’s maritime and port industries, and promote Hong Kong as a preferred base for operating maritime business. In addition to events held by international and local industry luminaries and practitioners, the Hong Kong Maritime Museum will organise a series of events including Family Fun Day and Vessel Tours for public and school groups with our new event mascot, Captain Shiba!

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