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* 博物館之夜前奏活動




* Pre-Event Programme of A Night at the Museum

Life of Hong Kong Seamen-

Small Display and Interactive Session

Location: Special Exhibitions and Events Gallery

12:00-17:00 (Pop up display)

14:00-17:00 (Interactive session)


Ocean and port had unique roles contributed to the rapid development of Hong Kong Harbour after the Second World War. They generated huge demands on manpower for trade, tourism, industry that provided thousands of job opportunities to Hongkongers. Seamen is the key position in those jobs. Without seamen, the whole trading system cannot operate.

As unique position that mainly works aboard, what the life of a seaman? Is there any differences on experiences between generations of seamen? What's the differences imply?

In the DOS 2019 Open Day, members from ReminiscenceHK will introduce you the most interesting and remarkable stories among them and invite you to join on A Night at the Museum on 27 July, 2019

Programme Collaborator: ReminiscenceHK




12:00-17:00 (小型展示)
14:00-17:00 (互動環節)




6月23日的海員日,來自組織「憶昔」的朋友將會以船員訪談為基礎,透過小型展示與互動環節向你簡介當中故事, 並誠邀各位參加7月27日的博物館之夜作更深入了解。


* 即場參加

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