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合作夥伴:Morpheus Antique




Morpheus Antique由一班熱愛收藏的愛好者所組成,專注於藝術、文化、歷史、工藝、古董收藏等不同範疇。我們主要收藏世界各地的古董舊物,還會向大眾提供各種關於收藏和物質文化的資訊。另外,我們團隊更參與和籌辦各項與收藏古董舊物有關之活動,例如大專院校的學術活動、收藏分享、展覽,希望藉此推廣收藏文化予大眾,特別是同齡的年輕一輩去了解和認識相關的內容和議題。




Memory Impressions: Old Souvenirs and Their Stories


The program formats take reference from the object handling activities of UK’s museums. Members from Morpheus Antique are in charge of displaying the artifacts on the exhibition table. Audiences can freely touch and interact with the artifacts during the process. Though this interaction, audiences are motivated to know more about the history, themes and related contents to the museum.

120 minutes per session. Walk-in


Location: Harbour Viewing Gallery, B Deck

Programme Collaborator: Morpheus Antique


About Programme Collaborator

Morpheus Antique is founded by enthusiasts for history, arts, crafts and many more. We specialise in collecting antiques and vintage items from all around the world and provide related information of collecting and material culture to the public. Besides, our team had participated and held various activities that are related to collecting. Such as the academic programs, collection sharing and exhibition…etc. Though these services, we hope to promote the collecting culture to the public, especially the young generation and allow them to better understand different issues.



© 2019 by Tom CHENG, Education and Public Engagement Team, Hong Kong Maritime Museum.

Contact us at / +852 3713 2500

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