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主辦  Organised by


Programme Collaborators of Special Programmes for 
International Museum Day 2019,Hong Kong



Lighthouse Memories is an ongoing Lighthouse Research Heritage Connections (LHRC) interdisciplinary programme co-developed by CityU’s Run Run Shaw Library and Department of Media and Communication. Through these research projects, students at City University of Hong Kong are able to find historical collections to conduct forensic investigations that support their studies on lighthouse heritage. For this year’s International Museum Day event, Lighthouse Heritage Research Connections wishes to exhibit Hong Kong’s Green Island Lighthouse. Visitors to Lighthouse Memories will be introduced to Hong Kong’s lighthouse and maritime history through this event. The Hong Kong Maritime Museum’s International Museum Day event will feature CityU student projects that will demonstrate information obtained through primary sources such as archived collections, old documents, images, and texts that support the research on the Green Island Lighthouse (Hong Kong).

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Morpheus Antique由一班熱愛收藏的愛好者所組成,專注於藝術、文化、歷史、工藝、古董收藏等不同範疇。我們主要收藏世界各地的古董舊物,還會向大眾提供各種關於收藏和物質文化的資訊。另外,我們團隊更參與和籌辦各項與收藏古董舊物有關之活動,例如大專院校的學術活動、收藏分享、展覽,希望藉此推廣收藏文化予大眾,特別是同齡的年輕一輩去了解和認識相關的內容和議題。

Morpheus Antique is founded by enthusiasts for history, arts, crafts and many more. We specialise in collecting antiques and vintage items from all around the world and provide related information of collecting and material culture to the public. Besides, our team had participated and held various activities that are related to collecting. Such as the academic programs, collection sharing and exhibition…etc. Though these services, we hope to promote the collecting culture to the public, especially the young generation and allow them to better understand different issues.

「憶昔」是由一群熱愛和關注本土歷史文化發展 的年青人組成,透過在社區舉辦多元的教育活動 ,向不同年齡人士推廣本土文化,從而加深香港人對本地文化的認識和欣賞。

同時我們與社區緊密合作,透過各社群的參與和支持建立歷史資料庫,搶救與記錄風中之燭的庶民故事,以方便後人探索和承傳 。我們對本土文化念茲在茲,同時歡迎您的參與,一同感受歷史長河的晚風與別離,日照與希冀 。


ReminiscenceHK, is formed by a group of young people who have passion on the preservation and promotion of local cultural heritage. We organize various educational activities in the city as to enhance the understanding and appreciation of local heritage by Hongkongers in different ages.

We also work closely with local communities to collect oral history from the grassroots and hope to build a historical database that is convenience and accessible for younger generations to explore and inherit the Hong Kong culture.

Local culture in Hong Kong seems like a candle in the wind. Therefore We look forward to your participation with us. We believe the candle will never burn out and the legend of Hong Kong spirit ever will.

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© 2019 by Tom CHENG, Education and Public Engagement Team, Hong Kong Maritime Museum.

Contact us at / +852 3713 2500

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